lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2016

Second Class.

First of all it was an amzing experience because kids feel confortable with us and to me thats an amazing step for us.
At the beginning my classmate dalila forget to make the warm up and then the class become confortable for us and even for the students, Pupils participated in every dinamic that we made, learners try to finish fast their worksheeps, because we gave them stickers and they were excited doing the activities. I think that we made an excellent job. However, we have to recognize that we have to work in some points to be a better teachers.

domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2016

First Class observation.

The first that I observated is that my classmates prepare everything before the class started, It was a good class but the students start to feel confortable with their classmates and for that reason they become a little bit anoying but I think that is something normal. That could happen to me and my partner, but now we know how they act, even when we know them, is not sure or we do not know the way they will act the next class, so for that reason we have to be prepared for everything.

martes, 6 de septiembre de 2016

First Class.

First of all it was an amazing experience as teacher, it was the first one to me. at the beginning I was a little bit nerveous but then I started to feel more confortable. I didn't know how to react to some things that the estudents do. During the class I became in a teacher automatically. I started to speak loudly, triying to understand what they do and give them some directions about the dinamics.

I started to feel frustrated when the second part of the lesson doesn't work to me, but at the momento I react and I improvise and change immediately all the dinamic, then it works and I realize that when something does not goes acording to our planes we have to change it I give our best.

First Workshop

Firt of all it was a great experience to learn different thing during those activies. I have learn how to trust in someone else, at the beggining was hard to do it, beacuse we felt shy to do some things, but then we felt more confortable with ourself and with our classmates. Also, something that I have learn is that I have to be more confident about myself and when I talk infront of everybody. How to use my hands, how to move my body or the way that I talk or move my mouth. It was an amazing experience to trust some else or smile to someone that you do not know in the street.

About myself.

Hello, my name is Alexander Figueroa I'm 21 years old, I live in soyapango with my family which includes my grandmother and grandfather. Also, I study at Don Bosco University since 2014 and that was the first time when I start to learn English. At the beggining I didn't want to study english, but then I start to love it. I'm very friendly with people even if I do not know them. I like to enjoy life, hang out with my friends and dance a lot. Another thing that I really like to do is go to the gym, because there I forget everything and I just consentrate about what I'm doing in that moment, also I used to model clothes and I used to appear on channel 21 and i love to do that I feel alive. To conclude, this is a new experience to teach kids and I'm ready to learn as much as I can.