viernes, 26 de enero de 2018

Computers and language learning: an overview argument

Computers and language learning: an overview argument 

Recent years have witnessed an explosion of interest in using computers for teaching and learning English as a second language language. A couple of years ago, the use of computers in language teaching and learning language was of the concern only to a small number of language teachers who were familiar with computers. But recently, computer assisted language learning (CALL) has received a great deal of attention of many English and foreign language instructors.

Now days, using technology in the clasroom it is really important for the students and for the teacher. Computers, cellphones or others technologycal tools helps to develop or to improve many different skills of the students. Computer and teacher are considered to be as rivals, while they should be seen as compliments to each other.

Using technologycal tools in our generation is indisputable because it beacomes helpful and one of the most important ways to try to get jobs or to study online. Also, it beacomes easier for the teachers or pupils to communicate, share different kind of important information by posting Online presentatios, using blogs or searching at the web.

As a teachers we have the benefits to have all of these kind of eletronic tools to implement in the classroom and, also to learn in a creative way.

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