domingo, 28 de enero de 2018

Effectiveness of the Integration of
ICT Tools and Activities to Foster
Awareness as the First Stage to
Reach Learning Autonomy
According to this article the autonomy of learning is the ability of students to improve and develop by them self under they responsability. Also, they can improve and develop different skills in the classroom by doing different kind of exercises usign ICT Tools it would be fun for them and also they will learn a lot developing their own skills. For that reason it is really important for teachers to being careful with activities that they would implement in the classroom for the students. We have the responsability to increase their cognitive process by activities in the classroom.
Acoording to this, pupils have to be responsable for their own learning process when they use ICT Tools to develop their skills. They sould watch the correct videos. Use the tools with the only one pourpuse of study what they have to study.

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