domingo, 28 de enero de 2018

Effectiveness of the Integration of
ICT Tools and Activities to Foster
Awareness as the First Stage to
Reach Learning Autonomy
According to this article the autonomy of learning is the ability of students to improve and develop by them self under they responsability. Also, they can improve and develop different skills in the classroom by doing different kind of exercises usign ICT Tools it would be fun for them and also they will learn a lot developing their own skills. For that reason it is really important for teachers to being careful with activities that they would implement in the classroom for the students. We have the responsability to increase their cognitive process by activities in the classroom.
Acoording to this, pupils have to be responsable for their own learning process when they use ICT Tools to develop their skills. They sould watch the correct videos. Use the tools with the only one pourpuse of study what they have to study.

viernes, 26 de enero de 2018

Computers and language learning: an overview argument

Computers and language learning: an overview argument 

Recent years have witnessed an explosion of interest in using computers for teaching and learning English as a second language language. A couple of years ago, the use of computers in language teaching and learning language was of the concern only to a small number of language teachers who were familiar with computers. But recently, computer assisted language learning (CALL) has received a great deal of attention of many English and foreign language instructors.

Now days, using technology in the clasroom it is really important for the students and for the teacher. Computers, cellphones or others technologycal tools helps to develop or to improve many different skills of the students. Computer and teacher are considered to be as rivals, while they should be seen as compliments to each other.

Using technologycal tools in our generation is indisputable because it beacomes helpful and one of the most important ways to try to get jobs or to study online. Also, it beacomes easier for the teachers or pupils to communicate, share different kind of important information by posting Online presentatios, using blogs or searching at the web.

As a teachers we have the benefits to have all of these kind of eletronic tools to implement in the classroom and, also to learn in a creative way.

jueves, 6 de octubre de 2016

4 Teaching Class.

When we see the kids we notice that they were very imperactive and they were running and screaming, we started to felt nerveous because we have never experimence that situation with them, but it was our first time. Thanks God we control whe whole group during the whole class. This time I fix the problem that I used to have to talk louder. I explain very well all the worsheets. They got it, and they do all the dinamics that we prepared for them. The teacher told us that was great. I feel proud of my self, and I know that I have to fix some little things but I know that I'm good teaching :)

3rd teaching class.

In this class we forget to take the time and thats why at the end we miss 5 minutes, but it was an amazing class the students participated in all the activities that we prepared for them. They love when we are creative and when we present something new for them. My teacher told me that I have to talk laouder and to put attention to all my classmates when they call me. We had some observations in the lesson plan but, it was an amazing experience as always with them.

lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2016

Second Class.

First of all it was an amzing experience because kids feel confortable with us and to me thats an amazing step for us.
At the beginning my classmate dalila forget to make the warm up and then the class become confortable for us and even for the students, Pupils participated in every dinamic that we made, learners try to finish fast their worksheeps, because we gave them stickers and they were excited doing the activities. I think that we made an excellent job. However, we have to recognize that we have to work in some points to be a better teachers.

domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2016

First Class observation.

The first that I observated is that my classmates prepare everything before the class started, It was a good class but the students start to feel confortable with their classmates and for that reason they become a little bit anoying but I think that is something normal. That could happen to me and my partner, but now we know how they act, even when we know them, is not sure or we do not know the way they will act the next class, so for that reason we have to be prepared for everything.

martes, 6 de septiembre de 2016

First Class.

First of all it was an amazing experience as teacher, it was the first one to me. at the beginning I was a little bit nerveous but then I started to feel more confortable. I didn't know how to react to some things that the estudents do. During the class I became in a teacher automatically. I started to speak loudly, triying to understand what they do and give them some directions about the dinamics.

I started to feel frustrated when the second part of the lesson doesn't work to me, but at the momento I react and I improvise and change immediately all the dinamic, then it works and I realize that when something does not goes acording to our planes we have to change it I give our best.